Highcharts with MVC

Highcharts are an amazing jquery library for displaying any type of data quickly and cleverly. Here is a quick & basic tutorial for applying a chart to MVC (in this example I have used grails) I have shown an example from the dashboards from my work as a Genomic lab automation architect. They illustrate median… Continue reading Highcharts with MVC

Getting started with Grails for .net developers

I have been using the .Net framework for the past 12 years and my new career choice (Bioinformatics) requires me to use Linux and open source things like grails (Groovy on RAILS). Setting up grails and IntelliJ was quite tough and there was very little (end to end) step by step help available so I thought I… Continue reading Getting started with Grails for .net developers

A simple SignalR message broadcaster

I know every one already knows what SignalR is and how awesome it is. If you don’t, it can be described simply …. a mechanism for sending messages to the web clients (browsers) from the server and visa versa. It does this via the magic of web sockets*. *in IE8 and below it uses old school… Continue reading A simple SignalR message broadcaster