Local cache implementation while developing

The brilliance of abstracting out implementations from built in framework is sometimes underestimated. In the following example I create my own implementation of ICacheProvider which gives me centralized control as well as the ability to be able to switch in different implementations. So while I am developing (building/rebuilding etc.) I use an implementation that saves the cache to disk so I don’t need to keep reloading it.

Rather then calling to ICacheProvider directly, i.e.:

cache = _cacheProvider.GetCachedItem(key);

we should create our own: (only partial showing)

public interface ICacher where T : class
    IEnumerable GetFromCache(Cacher.MethodForCache item, stringkey,
                                intminutesToCache = 30);

public classCacher : ICacher where T : class
    private readonly ICacheProvider<IEnumerable> _cacheProvider;
    public delegate IEnumerable MethodForCache(boolfuture = false);
    public Cacher(ICacheProvider<IEnumerable> cacheProvider){
        _cacheProvider = cacheProvider;
    public IEnumerable GetFromCache(MethodForCache item,stringkey,
                                        intminutesToCache = -1){
        IEnumerable cache = null;
            cache = _cacheProvider.GetCachedItem(key);
        if(cache == null){cache = item.Invoke();
            _cacheProvider.AddCachedItem(cache, key, minutesToCache);
        return cache;

And then access like this (with or without delegates):

var someStuff = _cacher.GetFromCache(
            return DoSomeStuffForCache(0, true, filter);

When we require cache to disk just switch it in: (this example uses Autofac and swaps in when in debug mode)

    var core = typeof(CacheOnDisk<>).Assembly;
    CommonPreStart.RegisterGenericTypes(builder, core, 
            typeof(ICacheProvider<>), true)
            .ForEach(_ => _.InstancePerHttpRequest());

Click here for the CacheOnDisk implementation:

I also use this for other things, for example a SMS provider with an implementation that sends to text file.

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