Creating a JQuery plugin for laboratory plate visualization

I develop a LIMS system for a molecular Pathology laboratory and I just build a UI tool for displaying a plate of samples. I thought I would break it out to share. It is still very basic but I hope to add configurations and styles as I get time. Github: I use this in… Continue reading Creating a JQuery plugin for laboratory plate visualization

Highcharts with MVC

Highcharts are an amazing jquery library for displaying any type of data quickly and cleverly. Here is a quick & basic tutorial for applying a chart to MVC (in this example I have used grails) I have shown an example from the dashboards from my work as a Genomic lab automation architect. They illustrate median… Continue reading Highcharts with MVC

A simple SignalR message broadcaster

I know every one already knows what SignalR is and how awesome it is. If you don’t, it can be described simply …. a mechanism for sending messages to the web clients (browsers) from the server and visa versa. It does this via the magic of web sockets*. *in IE8 and below it uses old school… Continue reading A simple SignalR message broadcaster