Complex numbers 101 and some code to make them cool

After reading a post from Phil Haack on number systems I decided to start a little series on my favorite maths topic, complex numbers. Here is some basic info:

Real numbers are pretty much every number you can think of: 
26, ⅘, √22, 11.23, 7² etc.

Think about that last number, as we know all squares are positive. In this case it would equal 49, if it was -7² it would still equal 49 (from basic maths: –ve * -ve = positive). So by extension -7 = 7 which is not true and √-49 cannot be calculated because you could never have had a –ve result. (try it in a calculator!)

Enter imaginary numbers: if you think about breaking real numbers into 
units of 1 the same can be done with imaginary numbers, √-1. We call 
this i and this is the basis for complex numbers. I.e. i = √-1

A complex number is a real number and an imaginary number together.

7 + 4i

An interesting thing here is that the imaginary part can be 0 so theoretically real numbers are also complex numbers – one of the many confusing by-products of mathematics. I.e. 7 + 0

Some real life uses -More to come in the next blog
• Differential equations – Electronics and engineering
• Fluid dynamics
• Any series or model that contains a value of √-1

Some fun uses:
The Mandelbrot Set is a fractal that when drawn looks amazing. It uses the simple formula:

My program generated this MandleBrot

The drawing engine:

namespace Mandlebrot
    public interface IMandelBrot
        Bitmap Draw(int width, int height, double rMin,
              double rMax, double imaginaryMin, double imaginaryMax);

    public class MandelBrot : IMandelBrot
        public Bitmap Draw(int width, int height, double realMin,
                double realMax, double imaginaryMin, double imaginaryMax)
            var palette = GetPalette();
            var img = new FastBitmap(width, height);

            //real number
            double real = (Math.Abs(realMin) + Math.Abs(realMax)) / width;
            //imaginary numbers
            double imaginary = (Math.Abs(imaginaryMin) + 
                    Math.Abs(imaginaryMax)) / height;

            for (int xCoordinate = 0; xCoordinate < width; xCoordinate++)
                for (int yCoordinate=0; yCoordinate < height; yCoordinate++)
                    var complex = new Complex(xCoordinate * real + realMin,
                            yCoordinate * imaginary + imaginaryMin);
                    var z = complex;
                    foreach (Color c in palette)
                        if (z.Magnitude >= 2.0)
                            img.SetPixel(xCoordinate, yCoordinate, c);
                        z = complex + Complex.Pow(z, 2);
                        // Z = c + z^2 (Mandlebrot formula)

            return img.Bitmap;

        public List<Color> GetPalette()
            var retVal = new List<Color>();
            for (int i = 0; i <= 255; i++)
                //I just stuff around here with the colors -have a play
                var alpha = i < 250 ? i + 4 : i;
                var red = i < 250 ? i + 4 : i;
                var green = i < 240 ? i + 14 : i;
                var blue = i < 200 ? i + 54 : i; ;
                retVal.Add(Color.FromArgb(alpha, red, green, blue));
            return retVal;
var bitmap = new MandelBrot().Draw(300, 300, -2.5, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0);

You will also need the SetPixel method which was a rewrite of the slow .Net one. (Thanks John Parsons)

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